No Sound (*.MID Files) In Firefox!
(too old to reply)
Glenn P.,
2006-03-16 09:12:55 UTC
I am using Windows XP Professional and have just installed Firefox v1.5.0.1.

When I visit my homepage which has a Midi-file for background music, there
is no sound. How may I enable sound (esp. from *.MID or *.MIDI files) when
browsing with Firefox?

-- >>>>> "Glenn P.," <C128UserDELETE-***@FVI.Net> <<<<<
"Hoc in loco praecantato summa in Silva sito Puellus
et Ursus suus semper ludent."

:: Take Note Of The Spam Block On My E-Mail Address! ::
Vito Corti
2006-03-16 13:27:45 UTC
Post by Glenn P.,
I am using Windows XP Professional and have just installed Firefox v1.5.0.1.
When I visit my homepage which has a Midi-file for background music, there
is no sound. How may I enable sound (esp. from *.MID or *.MIDI files) when
browsing with Firefox?
You need the Apple QuickTime plugin:


Glenn P.,
2006-03-19 14:10:17 UTC
Post by Vito Corti
Post by Glenn P.,
When I visit my homepage which has a Midi-file for background music, there
is no sound. How may I enable sound (esp. from *.MID or *.MIDI files) when
browsing with Firefox?
Thanks, I found (and used) the "IE Media Mimic" extension instead. Works
like a charm! :) Of course, you do need be using Windows, and to have
used Microsoft Internet Explorer on your computer.

For anyone else who needs it, you can get it here:


INSTRUCTIONS: Just from the length of it, I know this looks complicated.
But honestly, it's MUCH simpler than it looks. Really!

You'll first of all need to install the "Greasemonkey" extension, which
will allow you to automatically read & install a certain programming
script. To do this, go to the top of the above web page and look for the
blue "Greasemonkey" link, and click on it to install the extension, then
close & restart Firefox to activate it. NOW, when you look at your "Tools"
menu, you'll discover that you have some new (and previously nonexistant)

Next, return to the Vectorspace site and click on the "IE Media Mimic" link
near the very top of the page, then click the link "iemediamimic084.user.js".

The result? A page full of gibberish! Aha, but IF you're astute, you will
ALSO notice an alert bar at the top of the page greeting you (the greeting,
by the way, is random. Try reloading the page several times. A nice touch!)
that this is a Greasemonkey script, and to "Click Install to start using
it". The aforementioned "Install" button is on the right-hand side, right
there on the alert bar itself! So click it!

Now close & restart Firefox one last time -- Yer Dunn! From now on, all
sounds embedded in web pages will play JUST like they did when you were
using MSIE! Yay! :)

--_____ _____
{~._.~} * >> [ "Glenn P.," <C128UserDELETE-***@FVI.Net> ] << * {~._.~}
_( Y )_ /| ----------------------------------------- |\ _( Y )_
(:_~*~_:) \| "DOOM SLIDE: Will You Be The One To Slide Forever?" |/ (:_~*~_:)
(_)-(_) * --STINE, R. L.: "One Day At HorrorLand" * (_)-(_)

:: Take Note Of The Spam Block On My E-Mail Address! ::

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